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All Projects 📂

  • reactjs
  • axios
  • tailwindcss
  • styled components
  • golang
  • fiber
  • mongodb
  • docker


AI document (passport / ID Card) auto scanning that makes work more meaningful built using (Golang, Gin, Authorization, Htmx, Alpinejs, Std library, Docker)

  • #golang
  • #gin
  • #htmx
  • #docker
Crypto Analyser

Crypto Analyser

A crypto project that allows you to navigate the crypto market and make the best investment decision.

  • #reactjs
  • #tailwindcss
  • #axios
Hotel Reserver

Hotel Reserver

A robust highly scalable well designed backend system that handles bookings of hotel rooms built using (Golang, Fiber, Json Web Tokens, Mongodb, Std library, Docker)

  • #golang
  • #fiber
  • #mongodb
  • #docker
Landing Page

Landing Page

A beautiful landing page

  • #reactjs
  • #styled components

All rights reserved © Mohamed Khalis 2024